Are you preparing a migration from Oracle to PostgreSQL?

Our Query Performance tool can help you make this migration go smoothly by doing all the necessary testing in one go before tackling the migration.

Query Performance will allow you to quickly see how your queries will behave in the PostgreSQL environment to which you want to migrate. You will be able to see in a simple report which queries improve, which remain the same and which get worse, focusing on the latter, to make the necessary adjustments before the migration.

We detail the use of Query Performance in a migration:

How does Query Performance help you?

Compare all your Queries at once from different metrics (cpu, memory, time, etc.) ONE SHOT

Prepare your Oracle-PostgreSQL migrations in a simple and risk-free way.

Decide what you want to measure behavior, obtaining execution plans, times and other metrics

Anticipate surprises in the transition to production, monitoring changes in the execution plan and other indicators.

Identify queries with problems, allowing adjustments to avoid degradation when moving to production.

Show detailed reports on the impact of your changes.

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